Sample Sale '22!

It’s time for a little refresh.

Our 2022 sample sale is coming up very soon! Sunday the 11th September to be precise.

The shop rails are having a little switch up. Our 2023 collections are soon to arrive and a selection of our current samples are ready to go on and fulfil their role as someone’s dream wedding dress! Maybe yours?!


How much will the samples be?

Prices will range from as little as £500 to around £995. We may even throw in a few super special options at £1250.

These will include dresses and styling additions from luxury designers Jesus Peiro, Rembo Styling, Charlie Brear, Eliza Jane Howell, Love Story Bride & Hera Couture.

View the gallery at the bottom of the page for a preview of what’s included!


How does the sample sale work?

First up, you’ll need to book your appointment before the day is full! Starting at 9am, we have 10 hour long slots available throughout the day.

You can expect a wonderful hour of trying on, lots of ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhh’ and ‘oh my gosh it’s only £500?!’.

If you fall in love with one of our samples then you pay in full at the appointment and take it home that day. it’ll be tucked away neatly in one of our dress bags, so no need to worry about keeping it safe or anyone catching a sneaky glimpse! To find out more about storing your wedding dress take a look at our blog on the topic.


What about the sizing? Will they fit?

Our sample sizes range from 10 - 16 and we generally suggest you can alter down by around 2 sizes. It’s not a hard and fast rule though; it really depends on the style of each dress and how the style fits your shape.

Don’t worry about this too much on the day though, we (Jess & Jenny) will be there to guide you through it all as you try.

Before you wander into the sunset with your dream dress, we’ll be sure to provide a handy list of recommended seamstress and tailors to get the fit just right before the big day.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your slot on Sunday 11th September.