Brides, Stay Well with This Free 5-Min Relax

Planning your wedding is a major life stress at the best of times, and even more so in the upside-down world we’re living in at the moment.

That’s why we’ve paired up with the amazing Erika Charters from Ashesha Wellbeing to offer our brides a free 5-minute relaxation class to help you unwind and calm your busy mind.

So find yourself a quiet place, put your phone on silent, and get your self-care on…


And if you like what you hear, Erika is also offering online yoga and Pilates classes via Zoom.

Or you can get either a 15-minute Meditation & Relaxation or a 30-minute Restorative Flow practice to use whenever you feel the need.

I’ve done plenty of Erika’s classes before (in-person and online), so I know you’ll be in good virtual hands.

Thanks Erika!

Jess x